Among the gaming community, there is a showdowns whereby both gamer from different platform which are computer and console. Some side said that computer gaming is superior than console while the console gang mention that some game are only exclusive for console only.
In my opinion, I would prefer to play with PC as some of the game can be downloaded at cheaper price when playing with PC. Plus, gaming computer can support better gaming experience compared to console.
Lets identify the pros and cons of both computer and console in term of gaming.
From the perspective of computer, there are several thing we need to know when gaming using computer. First of all, the price of having a gaming computer might be varies fOR the current generation video games. The price of a component inside the computer varies from 100 dollars to even thousands of dollars.
The second aspect is the performance and the temperature. Computer gaming can support even the highest setting of video games graphic with smooth FPS (Frame Rate per Second).
The third aspect is the community. PC Gamers has a special community that allows them to share all PC gaming related topic such as computer specification and FPS for video games with selected graphic card.

PC Gaming seems interesting
As we got further and further away, we will discuss about the feature of console gaming. First aspect is console has their own competition because there are different brands of the console. For example, Microsoft have Xbox while Sony has PlayStation 4. This leave console gamer with many hard choices to choose which one they prefer.
The second feature of console gaming is there are several video games that are released exclusively for console player. This move mostly was made to attract more gamer to buy and use the console when playing games.

In my opinion, it would be best to choose gaming PC if you are somewhat rich person because pc Gaming has better performance than console. But no worries if you are less wealthy, you can choose to buy console instead.
Placeholder text by Amir's Cove Photographs by Unsplash.